End-of-Year Teacher Appreciation Gifts
Celebrate your favorite teacher! We're booking appointments in Austin, TX and surrounding areas to create one-of-a-kind gifts using student's thumbprints.
We make it easy for you:
Schedule an appointment
We'll come to the school to capture prints
Then create a custom design
And YOU gift a special keepsake to your Teacher in appreciation at the end of the school year!
Choose from large charger plates, vases, platters, large flower pots or bowls. Pricing runs $5-$6/child (includes the appointment, all custom painting, firing and delivery). Excludes tax.
Affordable, Creative and Memorable Teacher Gifts!
View an assortment of projects and ideas on Brush Strokes’s Pinterest board - https://www.pinterest.com/brushstrokestx/teacher-appreciation-gifts/
Contact - info@brushstrokespottery.com