A simple ceramic heart that symbolizes strength, healing, love and hope. This story begins with one tiny miracle born 7 years ago on Valentine’s Day. Her name is Harper and she’s my sweet and sassy niece. She was born extremely premature (30 weeks - 2lbs) and spent the majority of her 1st year of life at Texas Children’s Hospital in the NICU.

During this stressful time, all I wanted to do was tell my sister that everything would be ok and that I’d protect her (just as an older sister does). However this fight was out of any of our control and we had to give this journey up to faith and the medical professionals caring for our sweet Harper. Feeling helpless, I turned to what I knew best and created small ceramic hearts with Harper’s name on the front and the words “holding you in my heart” on the back.
The hearts provided our family hope and peace in a time of chaos and fear. Every day we clutched the hearts tightly as we said prayers of strength for our sweet little girl. After a tracheostomy, Harper was able to come home - with tubes, oxygen tanks and medical equipment galore. My sister’s living room basically turned into a mini NICU but nevertheless Harper was home! Over the next year she would continue to get stronger and eventually have surgery to remove her trach. Hallelujah. While she still faces struggles in her little life, you wouldn’t know it to look at her now. She is a miracle blessing!

A testament to paying it forward, what started out as a simple gesture for our own family, has grown into a powerful movement of love benefiting so many others. You see, the same year Harper was born, a close friend of mine lost her baby boy. Knowing she had to be experiencing an incredible amount of pain and grief, I created a heart for her family in her son Luke's honor. My friend Lisa was so moved by the gesture that after the launch of her own non-profit, Luke Lives On, she decided to give Harper Hearts to families supported through the charity. Thus the beginning of Harper Hearts spreading love to all.

Lisa & her husband Cody honoring Luke at the LLO Luncheon.
“My Harper Heart is a tangible source of comfort and strength. I instantly feel closer to my baby when I hold it or see it. The heart is a beautiful reminder of my angel and I'm so thrilled to share that gift with other baby loss mamas.” - Lisa

It has been a true blessing to hear from many of the families who have received a Harper Heart through Luke Lives On. Here are a few of their stories...

“I’ve been the recipient of four of these hearts. Each one represents a real part of our family. We cannot hold them and we cannot do life with them right now, but each time I look over and I see each of their names, I’m reminded that it’s not just the three of us in our family, but there are four more precious children that we call our own. Occasionally seeing them fills me with sadness, but most of the time it’s a gentle reminder of the promise that we will see them again one day and that each of their lives mattered to us.” - Vicki
“I received mine last year for my Nehemiah and it brought tears to my eyes! It was the due date I was suppose to have him and my heart was filled with joy knowing someone was also thinking about him. Today, it sits on my fireplace next to a sign that says “it is well with my soul” as my reminder that Nehemiah’s story has brought light to so many other women who go through the same thing and we are not alone. I’m now pregnant with my rainbow baby boy, Asher, and took this picture the other day to show women that there is hope after losing a child.” - Leslie
“When I received my heart after unexpectedly losing my daughter, Scarlett, at 37 weeks, I felt like someone finally GOT IT! I was four months into my grieving when it came in the mail and it was wonderful to see her name! I had so many friends and family that were so scared to say the wrong thing, that Scarlett’s little life was hardly being acknowledged. I guess they thought that talking about her, or even saying her name, would be too painful for me. But it was really the opposite. Avoiding her existence was breaking my heart. To this day, that little ceramic heart with Scarlett’s name on it is one of my prized possessions. I keep it on my mantel all year long and each Christmas, it hangs in a prominent place on our tree. Thank you, Harper Hearts for validating our children in such a real way!” - Katy
More Stories...
"I received mine almost 6 years ago now and still hold it so dear. It is the sweetest token of love and I can carry it with me wherever I go." - Bethany
"I received mine in the mail from,' Luke Lives On'. It was a surprise that sent me into tears. It meant a lot to me because it holds part of my son's memory, it shows that someone cares, and is also a reminder that I'm not the only one in the struggle. I keep it in a special hope trunk that I bought to hold all of Flynn's treasures. Thank you, 'Harper Hearts' for such a beautiful gesture." - Christy
"I received mine in the mail by surprise a few months after we lost Addison. It sits with her picture, Molly Bear and urn, unless I'm traveling and then it goes with me so I always have something of hers with me." - Kelly
photo by Chelsea Francis Photography
Whether it brings you comfort during a time of sorrow or peace in a time of prayer, our hope is that your Harper Heart becomes a symbol of love now and forever!
Proceeds from Harper Hearts will benefit local charities such as Harper's Heroes (a BCS foundation supporting families with children in the NICU) and Luke Lives On (a non-profit assisting families who have lost a child due to pregnancy loss or early infant death).
1 comment
This is everything! Harper is such an inspiration. And the comfort created through these hearts have impacted so many. Thank you Brush Strokes Pottery for supporting Luke Lives On!